In an ideal office environment, every employee would be working together as a cohesive unit, striving for a shared goal. In reality, things tend to operate much more chaotically. Incentives are not always aligned and communication has room for improvement…. Read More
How To Create Memorable Meetings
Who has ever been to a meeting that was…let’s say ineffective? Okay, everyone can put their hands down now. “Meetings fill an increasing number of hours in the workday, and yet most employees consider them as a waste of time,”… Read More
Keeping Your Team Motivated over Winter
The holiday season can be a truly magical time…unless you are an employer. Countless vacation days and holiday euphoria can leave your employees less than motivated from Thanksgiving through the New Year. On top of that, “many businesses are in… Read More
Team Building Tips for Millennials: Getting Through to Generation Y
Love them or hate them, Generation Y, better known to most as Millennials, are now the largest generation in the workplace, surpassing Generation X and Baby Boomers in 2015. “Regardless of how you feel about millennials, they are coming of… Read More
Custom Team Building Programs Produce High Functioning Teams
“High-functioning teams are what make high-performing companies click,” writes Judith A. Ross, Harvard Business Review. According to a Harvard study published in 2006, heart surgeon performance improved over time when they were able to consistently work with the same… Read More
Planning Your Corporate Team Building Retreat
With summer quickly coming to a close, business owners, executives, and managers will look to re-focus their employees on the task at hand. For many, this means planning a team building retreat to get your employees out of the office… Read More
What are the Benefits of True Team Building
As a business owner or manager, you are always tasked with the why. It is your job to evaluate potential projects or investments to determine why they do or don’t make sense for your company. So, when the topic… Read More
Reward Your Employees with a Day of Meaningful Adventure
With beautiful weather all around us, the summer months can be a difficult time for office workers who long for a little adventure. It’s a real buzzkill to sit behind a desk all day while summer wastes away before… Read More
The Benefits of Summer Team Building: Indoor or Outdoor
The average American adult employed full time works 47 hours per week, according to a Gallup poll, and four in 10 workers put in over 50 hours each week. So, it’s important to like what you do and who you… Read More