I had the privilege of meeting, Ed Deming, considered the father of Quality Improvement. He is perhaps best known for his work in Japan. From 1950 onward, he taught top management how to improve design (and thus service), product quality,… Read More
Team Building Tip of the Month: Laughter Is A Gift That Should Be Shared
I have some long time friends that always make me laugh out loud when I see them. Not just a chuckle, but the kind of laughter that brings tears to my eyes and makes my stomach hurt! I feel rejuvenated… Read More
Unleashing Creativity through Team Building
Thinking Outside the Box Brainstorming is the process of suggesting ideas in an open forum. Too many times, however, employees feel constrained or embarrassed to fully engage in this process. This may be partly an individual’s personality, but more often… Read More
Do I Trust You? How Team Building Builds Trust
For a company or organization to perform well, the members must have confidence in each other; they must trust each other. Deadlines, financial constraints, and turf wars complicate this ability to work together. If company members have confidence and trust… Read More
Coporate Team Building: The Power of Many
“The recent snow storms are a great illustration of the power of many. When neighbors worked together, the overwhelming task of clearing snow became easier. Work goes smoother when people work together to help each other out. The same goes… Read More