Staying Connected With Your Team – Part 2

Stop! Collaborate in Isolation

Regular interaction is critical, even when teams work remotely. But it’s not easy to make the transition from person-to-person interactions to conducting your business over the phone or on the screen.

Similar to a day at the office, people need to get up and move about. Staring at a screen all day is difficult, especially in isolation.

Here’s an energetic game that can be used to cut through the monotony of the work day, and maintain that team spirit. Bring the group together to improve collaboration.

Staying Connected With Your Team Series

Game: 2-4-6-8, We Collaborate!

  • Group Size: 4 to 15 participants
  • Length of Time: About 30 minutes
  • Focuses on: Enhances creativity and problem solving in a group setting

Step 1: Each person makes cut-out letters — about two-square inches, or big enough to clearly see on a screen — of the following letters; I N T R O D U C E. Then spell the word “Introduce.”

Step 2: Explain to the groups that when you say “Go,” they will need to arrange the letters to spell out as many two-letter words as possible within, three minutes. There are 23 two-letter combinations*. One person in the group should keep track of the number of words created.

Step 3: Repeat Step 2 for four-letter, six-letter, eight-letter words, giving the group four, five, and six minutes to rack their brains for the various combinations.

There are 126 four-letter words, 60 six-letter words, and 10 eight letter word combinations with these specific letters*.

Terrapin Tips: Try to take turns speaking. Otherwise, this turns into a chaotic scramble. Another option is to have one team member type the group words onto a community board that you share.

Benefit to Your Team: This is a nice brain teaser that promotes clear communication and creative collaboration. Team members might inspire one another, stimulating a different way of thinking.

*You can email us at for the full list of answers!

Customized Team Building Programs

When your team is ready for a more comprehensive face-to-face Team Building Program, you can speak to one of our Guest Relations Specialists to help you plan your customized event!

You can best reach us and get a free Team Building quote here.

We have run programs for over 3,000 groups. We have led team building events at our unique Savage Mill location or taking our show on the road to places like a company’s office space, conference centers, parks, or hotels.

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