Team building on ropes courses challenges people to go beyond the familiar. They get a work out mentally and physically. Stretching your arms and legs to by climbing or traversing to achieve milestones can help many gain confidence. Also, working in groups, participants on challenge courses have to work with people they might not know very well. Therefore they are exposed to different ways of thinking as the group works under constraints to solve both mental and physical problems. Stretch Your Body, Stretch Your Mind.
Athletes and musicians develop muscle memory from repeating a sequence of steps. Students also learn by frequently practicing a series of rules in reading, writing and arithmetic. So what happens when a person is faced with an unfamiliar environment? Some fight. Others take flight. On a challenge course, we ask you to ask for help and work together. While most courses operate on a challenge-by- choice doctrine, what happens when peer pressure or better yet, supportive team mates encourage you to try? Well you stretch yourself and learn.
Learning comes from failure as well as success. A group that takes on a challenge will often learn more about themselves and each other by coming up short than by succeeding. The games may be silly but the lessons translate well and stretching yourself yields many benefits.
–Matt Baker, Chief Adventure Officer
Team Building with Terrapin Adventures
Terrapin Adventures has spent years perfecting its team building programs. Our guides are experienced Team Builders. Presented in a fun and creative way our group facilitators and guides will lead your group through unique events that are designed to not only boost morale, but also break down barriers and foster better communication and collaboration amongst your employees. In layman’s terms, our team building programs are designed to help your employees work better, as a team.
Come to our facility or we can bring our fun to yours.
If you have any questions about Team Building, please call Terrapin Adventures at 301.725.1313, email us at, or fill out the contact form on our website. You can also follow Terrapin Adventures us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,YouTube, Google+, and Pinterest for up-to-date information on events, trends, and other fun and exciting outdoor activities.