There are many approaches to acquire company feedback – calls made to customers to inquire about their experience with a company, online and post-card surveys, pop-ups on company websites, and even recorded calls. There is a lot of time and money top companies put forth to acquire accurate feedback about their products and services. But, how much of that feedback do we actually give our employees or team members? The assumption is that they are team members, we work with them, and they can get feedback via making – well – more assumptions.
Truth be told, sharing company feedback with employees is more important than you think. In fact, if feedback is not given, or if the approach used to give feedback is wrong, feedback can be a barrier to productivity. Some people may even view feedback as criticism. But, without feedback, we are at best groping in the dark, or leading a team without a map, thus lacking a sense of direction.
Let’s dive deep into what good feedback entails and why it should be part of any team building program you provide for your organization.
Effective Feedback
Feedback on improvement, performance, and reactions are applicable in teamwork- whether in an organization, school, college, or even in a sports team. Feedback must be very specific. Instead of telling a team member that the idea they brought forth has improved the company’s sales, let them know the specific results of their idea. Feedback must also be timely. If an employee didn’t serve a client well, the sooner they get to know of it, the sooner they will improve on it. If they went out of their way to meet a company goal, then the positive feedback should be given as soon as possible.
The manner in which you give feedback is perhaps the most important factor in how the recipient reacts. Feedback must be given in a positive way- it must be accurate, complete, and factual. Begin with what the team member did right and then highlight what they need to improve on. Ensure that it doesn’t sound like criticism, as it will be brushed off as unimportant and unnecessary. Feedback should not only be given during annual appraisals, but it should be a continual feedback routine. Why is feedback important?
It’s an Assessment Tool
Feedback allows the team members to stay on track, as they can assess their performance. They get to see what they have achieved, what they need to improve on, and how other people perceive their performance. Feedback is given based on already established goals.
It’s a Source of Motivation
When feedback is given, team members feel more motivated to perform better or make improvements so as to receive the positive response. Every team member loves to be recognized. They will feel more energized after their efforts are appreciated, or if their shortcomings are highlighted in a positive way. They will have a sense of belonging, which helps them identify with the company, ultimately increasing productivity.
It’s a Way to Ensure Continued Learning
Giving feedback ensures that the team members keep learning. Pointing out some shortcomings makes the employee go out of his way to learn how to do something better, or how to relate with other team players in a better way. This can make them become more confident by being more forward in expressing his or her opinion. This way, there is mutual understanding between all team members, which benefits interpersonal relationship, as well as the company at large.
Clarity between Performance and Expectations
Giving feedback ensures that what is expected becomes clearer. The discrepancy between the two becomes distinct, and the team player understands the need to keep working towards what is expected of him or her in his specific role. Better still, they may encourage other team players to support them so as to meet what is expected of the team.
It Identifies Skill Gaps
As you give employees feedback, it is important to allow them to give an opinion on what they think about the issues brought to the forefront. As you entertain discussion, you will be able to identify whether the employee or team member is suitable for his or her role, and what other people can bring on board to ensure that the goals are met.
It Promotes Engagement
Giving feedback, whether positive, or constructive, using the appropriate approach, allows employees or team members to engage with the team leaders or management to initiate a more productive environment.
It Cuts Costs
Employee turnover is very expensive. It will cost a company upwards of 50% of an individual employee’s annual salary to replace the current employee. You can provide the much needed job satisfaction by making your employee feel part of the team via and as frequently as possible.
An important aspect of feedback would be training the recipient on how to receive feedback. This way, giving and receiving feedback becomes an effective and productive process.
Corporate Team Building with Terrapin Adventures
Terrapin Adventures provides professional team building programs in the Baltimore-Washington region to help your team perform at its optimum level. You can take advantage of our Challenge Course – Zip Line, Giant Swing, Climbing Tower, low and high ropes courses – or we can come to you.
Experience our Corporate Team Building challenges and your group will find better, more effective ways to communicate, provide constructive feedback and work together.
If you have any questions about Corporate Team Building, please call Terrapin Adventures at 301.725.1313, email us at, or fill out the contact form on our website. You can also follow Terrapin Adventures us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+, and Pinterest for up-to-date information on events, trends, and other fun and exciting outdoor activities.